Twocanview in 2015….


Twocanview is three years old as of December 26, 2014. (Happy Birthday!!!) Admittedly I have taken an extended hiatus from writing because I realized that all my observations, suggestions and comments have been written and re-written by many experts, some independently and others commissioned by Government. I also became somewhat frustrated by the slow pace of change and boy is change excruciatingly slow. I also realize that Belize is so much more than the corruption and crime plaguing its full potential. It is unique, rich, eclectic, innocent multi cultural communities existing together.

I don’t even think that people in Belize grasp the concept of corruption as defined by international standards and I sit and wonder if we can realistically adhere to such standards in such a small society. We are really a small country. Many towns in the US outnumber our entire population. The small size would suggest to those of us in public administration that Belize should be an easily manageable society – but that is not the reality is it? I think the very size and closeness in proximity of our leaders, enforcers, lawmakers, civil servants and decision makers is exactly why we need to rethink how we address the idea of corruption.

Belizeans thrive off community spirit. We help those we love and want to succeed and sadly we also create obstacles for those we don’t have much favor for. Another observation – We don’t want to punish people indefinitely or for long periods of time because we have an innate belief in how we view wrongdoers. We really think that everyone is redeemable – maybe the one true Christian trait that is pervasive in our society.

Undoubtedly we are a proud people who seem to be very politically observant and strongly opinionated but I feel like we live as one big family. We know all the bad and cracked eggs in our system but we seem to be reluctant to tackle corruption head on because the way the system functions actually benefits us all at some point in time and maybe it goes back to the redeemable trait we view in people.

I have decided to take a different approach to my writing in 2015. I hope to offer an alternative perspective to my readers. Maybe invite different writers to address topics such as– starting a business, ethics in government, integrity, managing finances, real estate market, international business, asking the right questions, historical perspectives and of course political observations. I look forward to healthy and progressive discourse aimed at improving the system in 2015.